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Naturopathic Initial Consultation via Skype (2 hours)      $600.00AUD ($390USD)

Naturopathic Follow Up via Skype (2 hours)     $400.00AUD ($260USD)

Naturopath Gabi Giacomin is a Member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS). ATMS insurance covers Skype Consultations and includes the following Modalities: Nutrition, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy and Counselling for which she is qualified.

Gabi is fully insured by the following Australian Private Health Insurance Companies:

HCF, AHM, ARHG, CBHS, HBA/BUPA and Australian unity.

These companies will not provide rebates to their customers for Skype consultations. If this is a problem for you please contact us at

Gabi is not insured to consult as a Naturopath outside Australia, though clients are very welcome to see her, they must be aware there is no Insurance provided. You will sign to accept these terms when you complete your Patient Intake Forms.

*** Private Health Insurance for Naturopath’s does not cover Skype Consults. 

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