Naturopath Gabi Giacomin in collaboration with Southern Cross University Lismore, is taking on a new role as a Clinical Supervisor for Naturopathic Students in addition to her client consultations.

When you make an appointment with Gabi you will be asked, on your intake form, if you are comfortable with a student being present during the consultation.

Students are mostly young, undergraduates who are required as part of their studies in Naturopathic Philosophy, to observe Naturopaths during live consultations, to prepare them for the practice.

Students will be asked prior to the appointment to reserve questions, avoid interruptions, not to take notes/ share personal information and to observe.

The student will be present online as part of a three way Skype/ Messenger/ Zoom call or live in the office.

Clients will be notified at the beginning of the consultation if a student is present.

Thank you for your co-operation, its exciting to be mentoring future Naturopaths.

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