Reducing EMFs in your home is important as it can be the most toxic environment we are exposed to. But if 5G is installed we will be exposed to it in Cafe’s, Libraries, Airports, Schools, Hospitals basically anywhere there’s wifi. This means we will be exposed to 5G outside our house too. There is a way to protect yourself anywhere you are and that is by taking antioxidants which protect the body from oxidative damage to the brain, liver, immune system and organs following exposure to EMFs.
Some well researched natural supplements are:
Melatonin (which protects the brain from EMFs)
NAcetyl Cysteine (makes glutathione our strongest endogenous antioxidant)
Glutathione (our bodies strongest antioxidant)
Vitamin E (helps our body make Glutathione + antioxdiant)
Vitamin B9 (methylfolate) (prevents a reduction in cell numbers in the brain following EMF exposure)
Green tea (EGCg) (antioxidant which reduce EMFs) (should be avoided in pregnancy)
Resveratrol (antioxidant)
Garlic (reduced 8-OHDg levels in brain)
All of these are natural products which are safe to take long term, you can easily purchase them at your local health food store, online or from a Natural medicine practitioner. Look for good quality brands that don’t contain fillers. I personally find that taking at least one antioxidant is effective for stopping computer headaches.
You can also test your oxidative stress levels using a test called 8-OHdG (8-Oxo-2’ deoxyguanosine). This is used as a marker of DNA oxidative stress damage, elevated levels are consistent with an excess of free radical damage to genes. This test is used to measure the effects of EMFs as you can see in the research I have collected. It is available as a urine test which I believe can be ordered by a Naturopath or Integrative Doctor. There are other tests like an Organic Acids test you can do to see what your levels of Glutathione and Folate are.
I encourage you to have a read of the document attached so you can see efforts have been made to investigate how to protect the body against EMFs.
Stay safe.
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