Here are the guidelines for giving supplements to children.
Young’s Rule for child dosing
Age Dosage
0-1 y.o. 1/8 of the normal adult dose
1-2 y.o. 1/4 of the normal adult dose
2-5 y.o. 1/3 of the normal adult dose
5-12 y.o. 1/2 of the normal adult dose
12+ y.o. Adult dose (unless the child is particularly small)
Clark’s Rule for child dosing
Divide the child’s weight (in kg) by 70* and multiply this by the normal adult dose; i.e. if the child weighs 35kg: 35/70 = 0.5; the dosage is half of the recommended adult dose. Please note that this method is only suitable if the child’s weight is normal for their age.
*Recommended adult doses are based on 70kg adults.”
Child Dosing