17th January 2018
Dear Client,
Here is a brief overview of the your OAT test results.
In summary, The most outstanding results on the OAT test were the Clostridia markers. They indicate the presence of C. Difficile which can cause diarrhea along with lack of appetite and feeling sick in the stomach. Other species of Clostridia were also indicated which could be associated with symptoms of autism and autism associated behaviour such as aggression, stimming, sleep disturbance, hyperactivity and irritability. It is also associated with digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation.
My experience is that the use of antibiotics causes recurrence of Clostridia and a better approach is antimicrobial herbs and a more holistic, natural approach used over a period of several months. SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) is also indicated on the test and caused by the Clostridia expansion. Also Candida overgrowth is indicated.
You can approach treatment with whomever you choose, but every Biomedical Dr uses a different approach, many use antibiotics, so be cautious as my opinion is they will damage the gut further.
I recommend stool testing for all my clients as the reason you get expansion of Clostridia initially is that there are low levels of beneficial bacteria, most likely the result of antibiotics, anaesthetic, vaccines etc.
The stool Test I recommend in the US/ Europe is GI Effects by Genova and can only be ordered through a Biomedical Dr or Naturopath.
When results become available my approach is to use these tests to identify imbalances such as poor digestion, food intolerances, SIBO, Yeast and specific levels of many strains of bacteria and create a program which heals the gut by addressing all these things.
I also use blood tests to address nutrient deficiencies which may be associated such as low iron, folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D etc.
The other thing I find is that several markers on the OAT test will lower as we treat the Clostridia. For example, Clostridia can cause other markers such as Neurotransmitters on the OAT to be elevated. Which is the reason I always treat the gut first. You will see below I have mentioned in what cases the Clostridia/ Candida affect other markers.
Hope this helps, don’t hesitate to contact me if needed.
Gabi Giacomin
PS. Below are some notes on the markers that were high on your OAT test.
Yeast and Fungal Markers
Arabinose is high: this indicates Candida overgrowth. Tricarballyic which is high in the range is a fungus coming from corn. The other two markers which are high in this section are unspecified fungal markers indicating interference with energy production.
Bacterial Markers
High levels of 4- hydroxybenzoic and 4-hydroxyhippuric are associated with unspecified bacterial overgrowth, preservatives in food or eating high amounts of foods such as blueberries. May require detoxification with glutathione, NAC, niacin and sauna’s.
Clostridia Bacterial Markers
The clostridia Bacterial markers indicate Clostridia expansion in the gut. This is common and is associated with autism, and autism associated behaviour such as aggression, stimming, sleep disturbance, hyperactivity and irritability. It is also associated with digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. It can be treated successfully using antimicrobial herbs and avoiding antibiotics. No 15 indicates SIBO caused by Clostridium expansion. Expanded C. Difficile causes a lack of appetite, diarrhoea and feeling sick in the stomach and is indicated on this test. 4-hydroxyphenylacetic is linked to gluten/ lactose intolerance and giardia if you wish to rule these out you may need an additional tests. Rhamnosus or S. Boulardii are used in treatment. Phenylalanine and tyrosine supplements need to be avoided.
Glycolytic Cycle Metabolites
High Pyruvic acid can be caused by vigorous exercise, and many other things including bacteria in the GI tract (Clostridia), low B-vitamins, poor energy production etc. May need Carnitine. CoQ10, zinc for support.
Krebs Cycle Markers
High Succinic suggests low Vitamin B2 or CoEnzyme Q10 availability for energy production. High Arabinose (Candida) can cause this. May need vitamin B2/ B3 support.
Neurotransmitter metabolites
Homovanillic acid is commonly elevated when Clostridia is expanded and is associated with autism or withdrawing from social interaction. High Quinolinic relates to inflammation coming from the gut (Clostridia) which is toxic to the brain or high supplemented amounts of tryptophan. May need to supplement NAD (activated Niacin). Avoid tryptophan, carnitine and turmeric can be supplemented to protect brain. Colostrum and Transfer factor with support immune system. Could have high copper and low zinc and may need molybdenum, manganese and detox.
Folate Metabolism
Elevated uracil indicates a problem with folate metabolism and is found in children with autism 100% of the time. Supplement with methylfolate.
Ketones and Fatty Acid Oxidation
3-Hydroxybutyric may be elevated due to excessive fatty acid breakdown, there are many causes but can be from candida overgrowth or low Vitamin B12.
Elevated ethylmalonic can lead to poor muscle tone, seizures and developmental delay. Requires L-carnitine supplementation.
Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and glutathione are recommended supplements.