In 2014 Dr Robert Naviaux published “Metabolic Features of the Cell Danger Response (CDR)” which outlined the cellular response to chemical, physical and biological threats 2. The CDR is controlled by the brainstem where the body co-ordinates input from the environment and metabolism to determine normal brain, motor, vestibular, sensory, social and speech development.

In an acute stress situation, the body’s mitochondria increase their production of ATP (energy) and then after the danger is eliminated, stimulate anti-inflammatory, regenerative pathways to restore healing. When the body undergoes chronic stress, (such as chronic bacterial, fungal, parasitic infections, heavy metal, glyphosate, electromagnetic exposure or psychological stress), the ‘danger response’ continues abnormally, metabolism and gut are impaired, multiple organ systems are disturbed, behaviour changes and chronic disease results.

Understanding mitochondria from this perspective gives us a new treatment approach for chronic, autoimmune, developmental and degenerative disorders. These disorders include autism spectrum disorder (ASD) attention deficit disorder (ADHD), asthma, atopy, gluten, food and chemical sensitivities, epilepsy, diabetes, kidney, liver and heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes etc

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